"Birth of a Family" Video Documentary
Storybook Theatre has created a 50 minute documentary video about the early learning and development of children from their conception through the "4th trimester" of their new life. Entitled "Birth of a Family", the video, written by screen play writer Keya Guimaraes with cinematography by Dr. Robert Zelkovsky provides, through interviews, photographs and dramatic sequences, important knowledge and wisdom for families and caretakers about the choices that are made at the time of birth. Storybook's production team interviewed 6 birthing and medical professionals and 6 new and about to be parents about their experiences relating to the birth of children.Parents and caregivers generally want to be as knowledgeable as possible in this area but they also do not have the time or luxury to study the latest research. They are busy providing for and caring for their children. Therefore, STH believes the public viewings of the concise documentary video will be well-received.After completing this video Storybook Theatre will then tour the island of Kaua’i and present the video at 20 schools and/or community centers, providing educators, parents and the public with vital information about child development and learning. Storybook will also facilitate public forums to encourage discussion of how best to help children succeed educationally.Download full event flyer hereSee full event site here, or order tickets with the order form below.