E Komo Mai
Welcome Everyone!
These web pages here are for fun and learning. We hope to share stories, news, pictures, videos and more with the Storybook Theatre Ohana (family), especially with the keiki (children) of Hawaii and the world.
Storybook’s Mission Statement
The purpose of The Storybook Theatre of Hawaii is to enable Hawaii’s school children to experience and participate in the performing and media arts; SBTH also perpetuates the cultural values and heritage of the peoples of Hawaii and the Pacific.
Brief Timeline of Storybook:
The Storybook Theatre of Hawaii has been an active member of the touring performing arts community in the State for seventeen years, even before incorporation in 1986 as a tax-exempt non-profit organization. Every year that a touring production is performed, approximately 25,000 pre-school and school-age children directly benefit.
Storybook has created more that 40 original touring productions from every major culture represented in the State, has toured extensively on every Island, and is a recognized name in the world of good storytelling for children in Hawaii. Touring programs have also reached the Cook Islands in the South Pacific where on three separate tours more than half of the countries population was reached (6000 people).
In the 1994/95 season as well as in the 1995/96 season mainland shows were booked in cities in New Mexico, Iowa, South Dakota, and Michigan. Storybook is also known for creating the Rainbow Arts Festival.
1997—STH acquires 55-year lease from Department of Land & Natural Resources with nominal lease rent.
2003—Restoration is completed and it becomes STH's new home in Hanapepe.
2002—STH hosts its first Princess Kaiulani Children’s Festival. The event becomes on-going for 15 years.
2009—The Spark M. Matsunaga statue “Walking in the Garden of Peace” is installed.
2012—The Spark M. Matsunaga International Garden for Peace is officially opened.
2012—Marine Eco statewide touring begins (and continues today) with Evelyn Roth inflatable marine animals.
2020—STH is awarded a 15-year lease for Kokee Community Arts Camp.
2021—STH opens the Heritage Media Center in Hanapepe with historic and cultural exhibits and oral history interviews.
1979—STH is founded and launches its first theatrical program at Honolulu Zoo.
1980—Statewide touring of theatre productions in schools begins (and continues today).
1986—STH registers as a tax-exempt 501(3) nonprofit organization.
1987—STH hosts large children’s festivals at the Bishop Museum and Thomas Square in Honolulu.
1989—STH’s founder Mark Jeffers moves to Kauai, begins working at Kokee Museum.
1990—Statewide production of Queen Emma’s story begins in Kokee State Park tours for 30,000 people.
1992—STH produces Centennial of Story of Robert Louis Stevenson with Statewide touring.
1992—Hurricane Iniki on Kauai destroys the historic Sun Ke Heong/Obatake building in Hanapepe.
1995—STH obtains right of entry to the Sun Ke Heong/Obatake building from Historic Preservation Division DLNR
Before building rehab
Completed building