Hawaiian Storytelling with Mauli Ola Cook, April 25

mauliA dedicated studentof hula, chant, music, craft,history and culture, Mauli Ola Cook will be the featured guest on April 25th on the Garden Stage at the Storybook Theatre of Hawaii from 4 to 6 P.M. She will share the art of Hawaiian Storytelling. She belongs to HalauPuaAliʻiʻIlimaunderthe directionof KumuHula Victoria Holt Takamineand has taught the Kauaʻibranch of Aunty Vickyʻshalaufor many years. MauliOlaʻsdeep friendship with Aunty Nona Beamerled to many exciting projects and learning opportunitiesincluding becoming Aunty Nonaʻsprotégéin the art of hula kiʻior Hawaiian Puppetry . Hawaiian history is passed down orally so the art of storytelling is important to the preservation of Hawaiian culture. Stories bring the past to life, help us envision the future and connect us to each other and the present. Through their stories every culture honors the spiritual guides, people, animals, plants and places that make them unique, while acknowledging the basic truths that ring true for all mankind throughout the ages. The eveningʻs presentation will be a very interactive one so come prepared to sing, dance and make merry! Mauli Ola would like to honor the late Fredrick Bruce Wichman for his amazing legacy of stories and historical writings about Kauaʻi. Much of what Mauli Ola shares about Kauaʻi comes from his wonderful books. Mauli's and future presentations are made possible by funding to the Storybook Theatre of Hawaii from the Hawaii Tourism Authority's Kukulu Ola – Living Hawaiian Culture Program. The purpose of the program is to strengthen the relationship between the visitor industry and the Hawaiian community by presenting experiences and activities that are interesting and educational to people of all walks of life, and supportive of Hawaiian cultural practitioners, craftsmen, musicians, dancers, and other artists that preserve and perpetuate the Hawaiian culture. The Storybook Theatre of Hawaii is located at 3814 Hanapepe Rd. Hanapepe HI 96816. For more information about this or other events call STH at (808)335-0712.   


Artist & Author Matt Kaopio May 30


Storybook Theatre Launches Indiegogo Campaign to help Monk Seals