Princess Ka'iulani Keiki Festival October 18

The Storybook Theatre of Hawaii will hold the 9th annual Princess Ka’iulani Keiki Fest in Hanapepe Town this October and it promises to be the most colorful and culturally exciting event on Kauai for young people and their families this year.The family friendly festival features local food and fun, enriching activities that are sponsored by schools and non-profit organizations. This years theme is ‘Honoring the Ali’i of Old’ and will feature children’s artwork and stories about Hawaii’s past. As always, the event is free and open to the public.On Friday night at 7pm, October 17th, 2014, the feature film, ‘In the Footsteps of our Princess’ will be shown at the Hanapepe Hawaiian Congregational Church where there will also be live music and a small reception.On Saturday, October 18th, 2014 the festival will run from 12-4pm. Attendees will experience cultural events such as hula, Hawaiian music, and a costumed children’s parade down main street. After the parade, the Princess will stop and read a story in the Theatre before attending her party. The Princess’ commemorative birthday party will take place in Sparky’s Garden, and children of all ages are invited to celebrate with the Princess.On Sunday, October 19th, 2014 at 10am, the Hanapepe Hawaiian Congregational Church will hold special service dedicated to Princess Victoria Ka’iulani.


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